Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Have the Foreign Press Lost thier MINDSS?!

So after watching the 2009 Golden Globes I have decided they are a bunch of sentimental lunatics. How is it possible that Doubt did not win any significant awards? Unbeliviebale.

And Benjimen Button??? Poor Angelina and Brad did not win anything... I watched the Crticis Choice last week and it was visible on Angelina's face that she was upset and shocked. The tried and true actors and actresses just seemed to be overlooked and the new comers from India took the Globes by storm... every time "Slumdog Millionaire" ...won! Over and over....Sheesh.

Just wanted to voice my disappointment.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Here are a few people who said "Happy Bday"


Richard and Polina



Michelle my bell



Larisa and Marik

Gary and the Milshteyn's




Inna and Baba Annja

Baba Galya


Wednesday, January 7, 2009

New Years 2008

Here you will see Alona doing a dirty dance....

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Insomnia galore!

So today is my birthday ... yipee...I am sick... I havn't slept for 2 nights in a row (as proof by the uncharacteristically early post - 830am) and I am about to go upstate ...AGAIN. To say that I am not pleased is a serious understatment.

I have spent the night working on Queen Bee Co. and framing some pics of friends... but alas I return to this site.

I hope this damn insomnia goes away eventually.....

Speaking of insomnia... I slept fairly well when I was up there. the day I came back - I stopped sleeping...hmmmm....I wonder.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Wedding Planning Progress: I have found the most perfect "save the date" cards!

So I won't post the exact design or the exact look that I am going for .... until I have sent them out... but I almost teared up...well let's face it , I did... when I saw these "save the date cards". Nothing quite fit before...too girly, too classical, too typical, too cute, etc... until I found these on http://www.etsy.com/ (a totally amazing website for the unique bride or party planner). Basically this artist takes a photo of the couple and uses a pen to draw a portrait of them and then uses it in a million different ways. I can not wait to actually find a venue, so that I could set the date, so I could order these cards...

Obviously, as usual, I am a bit backwards... I have hardly decided on a continent , let alone a venue or an exact date ... but I couldn't help myself. It is like when your a kid and you have tons of homework, which is usually a pitiful most students fall into at one point or another, you do the easiest homework first to feel a sense of accomplishment.

Well, I found a couple of venues that are OK online- they are located in PA. Sure there is that little logistical thing... but if the venue is nice , and it looks nice online, it will be far cheaper than those available to me locally. With the savings I will charter a bus to ship over the family and friends... lolol...like cattle to the slaughterhouse...lolol... oh sorry, did I think that? Kind of like that scene in Twilight saga (Stephanie Meyers) when the tourists in Italy are led into the chamber full of hungry Vamps. (tangin)

The biggest concern I have with halls in the US, is that most American venues have really crappy food. Alex and I are big foodies and re-heated chicken a la dry , just won't do. So that is an obstacle I have yet to find a solution for.

I have also thought about the favors... and I thought at first that it is a silly waste of money... and it probably is. But, if I do end up doing favors I have decided (preliminarily) to give tulip bulbs. I will order 100 parrot tulips online from http://www.tulipworld.com/ and they will cost me less than $1 each. Then I thought maybe buy really cheap boxes and nice ribbons and tags with our wedding logo on them and wrap them nicely. I can also put the instructions and meaning of the gift on a nice piece of paper inside. A lot of it I can do myself and probably get away with about $2 a favor in total.

On the locale.. geographically speaking. The reason I am leaning more local than international is because most, if not all, the castles that I even 1/2 liked had such drab interiors that I just couldn't imagine getting married there. If they weren't drab, they were gaudy, and if they weren't gaudy they were Gothic... none of which is me. I really want to have an outdoors ceremony and the exteriors of most these castles are usually one of two things, cold and gigantic landscapes of perfectly manicured lawns and gardens, or unkempt forests and weed (not the smoking kind) gardens with no view. Add a view, intimate not-too-manicured garden with a great castle, good food, and lodging... you have a $300k bill on your hands... not me , not ever.

Although I do have to think about my dad, and that he can't come to America... he has been banned for reason's I just don't have the energy or desire to disclose. And so .. do I want just Alex's family and our mutual friends to be at this wedding? I have always thought about my wedding day with a sense of dread because I fear what kind of emotional baggage I will carry with me when the day rolls around. Will I fall into a depressed hole of self-pity and misery? Will I care that I am orphaned by a living family? Will I be able to ignore the overwhelmingly depressive reality of it all and still enjoy myself? I had asked these questions of myself a few years ago.. at that point I was convinced this whole wedding thing was just much ado about nothing. But , as my friends had warned, once I got engaged and started thinking about all the ways I can make this event "me"... the capitalistic nature, that we Americans have acquired, took over (Case in point, read first few paragraphs of this post!). I thought back then that I would just run on over to city hall, Alex in hand, sign on the dotted line, and skip away happily on an extended vacation around the world... Africa, Asia, Australia... just me and Alex. Even now, typing these thoughts, I think about how great that would be. Just let all this go, "Just say no", hold a short but sweet hoopa ceremony and be done with it. And spend, the years worth of salary, on a trip of a lifetime. In a few years I will be too preoccupied with diapers and mortgages to get away for a month and travel with the love of my life. It is a very tempting thought in deed. But on the other hand I think about me , 10, 15, 20, 40 years from now, looking back on our "wedding day" and being disappointed. Sure , I tell myself, I can always hold a renewing vows ceremony and throw a party when I am financially secure. But are we , middle class, ever really financially secure. Then there will be violin lessons, ping pond, braces, family trips, tutors, mortgages , etc... will we really take the time and money out of our savings to indulge in a romantic gesture usually undertaken by the young? Probably not.

So while I ponder this thought , I force myself to get going and find a venue, a rabbi, a dress, a date! Delusional? Maybe. But when I say I haven't planned anything yet, Yana gives me a look, as if to say "Do you really want to marry him?" and it drives me coco for coco puffs, so Yana, I am planning. =)

On a lighter note.. take a look at this fabulous cake!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Review by Regi: "A Thousand Splendid Suns" by Khaled Hosseini

This is the second book Khaled Hoseini has written. His first was "Kite Runner" , which was fantastic. It was a wretched tale of a boy becoming a man in the middle of war, low self-esteem, and daddy issues. "Kite Runner" was a bout the struggle of a man for power, respect and love. It is raw at times and makes your heart flip for the pain these men inflict and suffer.

"A thousand splendid suns" is basically on the same playing field but from the woman's prospective. You grow to appreciate the life you have as a free woman in America after this book. Overall his style of writing is impressive and really allows the reader to see many view points at the same time. Hoseini is a fantastic storyteller and ties all the ends up very nicely at the end of the book. The book is split into several very organized parts and really makes the reader feel the illusion of passing time. Although when he first switches from one character to another (Miriam to Laila) I found myself feeling betrayed. As though I was just supposed to forget about Miriam and get attached to this new girl who was bound to suffer terribly as well.

Like in his first book [Kite Runner] , Hoseini fails to give a satisfying last few chapters. They seem forced, liek he is trying to make you cry. And like in "Kite Runner", the ending is hopeful , not happy or sad, but hopeful. I wish it was a bit more realistic and the ended was a sad one ... as it must be for most women suffering the fate's of Miriam , Laila and the other women of Afghanistan. He seems to loose interest at the end of his book and become a bit mainstream.

Overall 3.5 out 5

Khaled Hoseini

My Birthday, my camera, and my Wicked friend...

My birthday is coming up in a few days. Always (obviously) in the middle of everyone else's plans to celebrate theNew Year - my birthday is overlooked. People go on vacations, some go to party's, some get married ...lol. This year a few people are getting together upsate and I am going too. Me and Alex, Kevin and Valerie, Vova and Gretel, Flo and his new girl from Russia, and Erica and her boosom buddy Alona. I am sure to have a good book , or three , to read and keep myself occupied as the whole group smokes themselves to oblivion and plays poker (not my cup 'o tea). I never was into anything but the occasional glass of wine or Long Island Iced Tea. Weed is not for me. =)

Anyway, on a lighter subject, I am trying to negotiate all my friends and family and loved ones to chip in so that I can buy myself a Nikon D90 camera with the works. I found a listing.. actually Alex found a listing on Ebay for about $1500 and it includes everything you can imagine. Three lenses, 2 carriers, 16GB of memory, batteries, all the cords, tutorial CD's, filters, 2 tripods, etc... So I am salivating. I can't wait to take my first picture. I have seen so many things these past few months and wanted to take pictures of them and wasn't able to regretfully. Like the iced over branches of the birth trees in PA a few weeks ago. The sun shone on them and made them a brilliant road of diamonds. It was aew inspiring. I made Yana go for a walk with me in the cold with Pica and Red and it was just a treat for my eyes. I could have taken some seriously beautiful pictures then. And when I see Pica and Red cuddle up on thier spot - what a nice picture... I find myself thinking about all the pictures I could be taking if I had the equipment.

Alex seems down to buy the camera off that listing and whatever money I get I will give it back to him. I know some people will not budge on getting me a real gift, not money ... one of those would be Yana. She told me a few days ago that she got me two tickets to Wicked on Broadway!!! I have been trying to go see it for years .. ever since it debuted liek 6 years ago! I was taking a playwriting class at Mercy College up in Dobbs Ferry and my professor went to see and couldnt stop raving about it. Everytime Alex and I tried to get tickets it was too expensive and/or sold out. Yana got the first available ticket ....in May!! It is worth the wait anyway. It was a perfectly insightful and considerate gift ... one of the reason's I love Yana...